The Gray’s Station bridge construction is progressing positively following high river levels along the Raccoon River and forecasted rainfall during the months of March and April.
The bridge, which is being built in pre-assembled portions, was delivered to the Jensen Construction site early this week. Baker Electric will now begin their work on lighting the bridge pillars. This lighting will mimic the Gray’s Lake pedestrian bridge to the south with multi-colored up-lighting and down-lighting along the entirety of the bridge. Once the bridge is delivered to Gray’s Station, passerby’s will notice crane and welding work beginning as the bridge is assembled.
To view the construction happening on the banks of the Raccoon River, follow Gray’s Station’s Facebook page.
Currently, the bridge is expected to be done in late-summer of 2019.
Scheduling of bridge construction is extremely weather-dependent and the date provided above is a best estimate from lead construction superintendents.